
What is cost?

This is the total expense incurred on a specific on a specific item or an activity.

The Cost Unit

A cost unit is defined as a unit of product or service in relation to which costs are ascertained(measured). It could be anything which is measurable & useful for cost control purposes.


  • Mobile company - call seconds/call minutes
  • Wisdom Business Academy - Per student
  • Brick making - 1000 bricks/100 bricks/ 1 brick
Cost Center

A cost center is a production or service location, a function, an activity or an item of equipment, for which costs are accumulated. This is also called as a collecting place for cost.


  • production location - cutting department
  • service location - a sales representative
  • activity - quality controlling
  • item if equipment

Once you identify the total cost collected at a cost center, then you can allocate the total cost collected in to cost units.

Cost Object

A cost object is anything for which costs can be ascertained or measured. Therefore all cost units & cost centers are types of cost objects.

11/09/2010 |Pg 3